Five Common Causes of Blocked Drains

When your drains become clogged, it can be difficult to work out why. While sometimes the cause of blocked drains is outside of your control, at other times, you can take action to prevent the problem from happening again. Take a look at these five common causes of blocked drains to gain a better understanding of blocked drains.

1. Hair

Hair getting into drains is a very common cause of blocked drains. You can keep hair out of the drains by using a drain cover in the shower. After each shower, be sure to pull the hair out of the drain cover so the water can flow freely.

2. Grease

Grease blockages usually affect the kitchen sink. Pouring cooking oil into the sink is likely to lead to a drain blockage. Washing greasy pans or plates in the sink can also cause this kind of blockage. Some solutions include collecting cooking grease and throwing it out instead of putting it in the sink, using less fat in your cooking and running hot water into the sink after you wash the dishes. Hot water helps to keep fat liquid so it can flow through the pipes without solidifying into a clog.

3. Wipes and Sanitary Products

Putting wipes or sanitary products into the toilet is likely to lead to a clog in your home plumbing system. Some wet wipes and tampons claim to be flushable, but they do not disintegrate easily in water and can lead to a blockage. Make sure that everyone in your household knows that they should not put sanitary products or wet wipes in the toilet. Provide a bin in the bathroom so they can dispose of these products safely.

4. Plants

Outdoor drains can become clogged when plant parts fall into the drain. This type of blockage is most likely to occur in spring, when plants grow rapidly, or in autumn, when leaves fall from the trees. The best way to prevent this type of clog is to rake up fallen leaves regularly during autumn so they don't get into your drains.

5. Storms

Blocked drains often occur after storms. Heavy rain washes huge amounts of dirt and silt into outdoor drains, blocking them so they cannot cope with the large amounts of water flowing into them. Keeping your gutters clear and your drains well-maintained can help to reduce the risk of a storm triggering blocked drains.
